Anil Kapoor caught by cops

Anil Kapoor caught by cops
Anil Kapoor’s utmost professionalism recently landed him in a soup or er... should we say — a burqa! Excited about his new role in Subhash Ghai’s Black And White, in which he plays a Hindu professor residing in Chandni Chowk, the actor decided to do some research on his own. To prepare for the intense character, Anil decided to recee the location that’s situated opposite the Red Fort in Delhi all by himself, just to get the feel of the bustling neighbourhood and it’s people. And to avoid the public glare, Anil resorted to a time-tested formula — often used by Bollywood actresses to move in public without being mobbed — and sought the sanctuary in a burqa.

Dear, Anil from next time be little careful.

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