Health Tips for Diabetes Patients!!!!

Diabetes is a chronic illness and needs to be continuously managed; it does not mean that diabetics cannot travel or will have any problems while on a trip.

There are only some tips/caution that the diabetics patient needs to keep in mind to have a tension-free , healthy and safe holiday.

1.Get the location and duration of the trip approved by the treating physician.

2.If possible, get the doctor to prescribe medication that may be required during the travel period. The medications may include not only those used to treat diabetes, but also ones for preventing nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea etc.

3.Make preparations for getting your blood sugar checked at the destination. You should also try to identify medical services in the vicinity of your area for any emergency.

4.Apart from the medical services available at the place of your stay, it is also necessary to be alert and make preparations thereof, during the duration of your journey.

Hope these are useful tips to keep you and your family stay fit and healthy and always smiling!!!!


1 comment:

Enlighten said...

What about suggestions that would lessen symptoms other than drug medications?